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Career Advice For The Ages

Oct 15, 2024
best career advice

At the first executive leadership meeting I attended, I heard career advice that changed my life.

The gentleman who graced the stage is lauded for his success in launching brands and creating product categories. By the time I had an opportunity to hear him, he had also successfully retired (his words, not mine).

As he wrapped up his discussion on creating brands, product-market fit, and other expertise, he added something that hit hard for me. He said something like, "It's important not to have your job title become your identity. Because job titles eventually go away, and you will go away with them."

That sentiment hit me right in the gut. I've tended to heed gut punches, at least enough to be curious about what drives the inevitable discomfort that comes with one. As I indulged my curiosity, I had to admit I was flirting with that territory. I realized it was more than flirting when I was very honest with myself. At the time, I didn't know how to heed his words.

More importantly, though, I chose to live with the discomfort that his warning raised in me. It wiggled its way into my consciousness, taking up space and giving me a different perspective.

The greatest gift of those words was not in telling me what I wanted but in clarifying what I didn't want.

I've tried reaching out to this person, but I'm unsure if he ever got the note. Those few words changed me, and I am ever grateful for that.

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